Calling cards are a great thing to have, especially if you can find the right company to get them from. There are many companies out there that promise you no hidden fees and the best rates...but none seem to compare to Pingo. If you're not familiar with Pingo, they offer calling cards unlike anything you will find out there. These cards ensure that there will be no hidden fees and only offer the best rates. Getting great rates are important, but usually mean that people have to continually compare and stress over which calling card is best for them. If this is something you find yourself doing, stress no more!! Pingo has a great feature, RateWatcher. This is exactly what it sounds like!! Pingo watches the rates of other calling cards out there so they can continue to offer competitive rates that meet your needs. They ultimately doing the work for you!! I was just amazed at the quality of this company and dedicated customer service that they offer. They only want the best for their customers. In fact, if you sign up with Pingo, they will even give you $5 in free calls!!! Once you sign up you'll have the opportunity to sign up for an instant calling card...I say instant because it takes no time at all to get started with Pingo. You'll also receive $15 dollars for every new person that you refer to Pingo. So, whether you're looking for cheap international calling cards or a great internet phone card, you're sure to find something that suits your needs here at Check them out today. This is a paid post.